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A Member Account Dashboard will create automatically during membershop registration. Click to Visit Your Dashboard You Must Login T Visit The panel.
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Basically We Accept Paypal & Stripe for International People. For Bangladeshi We Accept Cash Payment & Payorder “Asianclub”.
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We Don’t allow Payment Rerurn For Our Members & Sponsor. Membership Should Renew Their Membership Every Year Otherwise Your Subscription will canceled Automatically.
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You have to select your plan and complete the registration with your details and Pay For Your package. A Unique Membership ID and a Certificate will Issue for You.
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Individual Profile
After complete the Membership Registration Process, You will listed our members directory page. You can Visit members Individual profile page.
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We allow subscription based membership, so member should renew their membership every year.
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[accordion-item title=”How do I get my certificate?”]
After Complete Your registration Process, We issue a membership certificate with Unique Membership ID with “2018-2020-2022-XXXX“. We will email you the certificate & A PDF File will available to download in Your dashboard. Visit Your Dashboard.
[accordion-item title=”What if I need to change my Business Details?”]
You can change it yourself from your Dashbaord or Contact with our Secretariats for that.
[accordion-item title=”How to Verify a Member?”]
We provide an QR code in bottom of our membership certificate. Just Scan, It will redirect you the members individual profile page.
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[accordion-item title=”How can I Renew My Membership Subscription?”]
Don’t Worry, We will Issue an invoice for your next payment.
[accordion-item title=”I lost my password, how to login?”]
You can reset your password by yourself during login. Even you can contact us. We will set a temporary password to login.
[accordion-item title=”What happens with my personal data?”]
We Just the data you provide during your registration. Your Basic Data will be shown as you public profile. We never sell any of our members data. we just keep the data form verification.
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Still have a question?
Please contact us for more information.
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